Does Quinte Exteriors have liability insurance?
Quinte Exteriors is fully insured
Are you trained and certified?
Quinte Exteriors has certified installers trained by the Vinyl Siding Institute.
Is Quinte Exteriors a registered company?
Quinte Exteriors is a fully registered business with both the province of Ontario and the federal government of Canada.
Is Quinte Exteriors an authorized dealers for their products?
We are Trenton’s authorized dealers for Mitten and Kaycan products.
Is there any guarantee’s and warranties?
All of our products come with a manufacturer’s warranty, most of which are Lifetime Warranties, and our workmanship is guaranteed for 2 years.
Will Quinte Exteriors be around to honour their warranties?
We have been around since 2006 and now own our own building at 28 Frankford Cres.
How much Experience do you have?
We have a combined experience of over 50 years in our industry.
Are you Locally Owned and Operated?
We have been around since 2006 and have our own location at 28 Frankford Crescent.
Do you have a question we have not answered here, please contact us.
Free Consultation

Looking to get a project completed but not sure what it’s going to cost? Give us a call for a FREE QUOTE today and we’ll help you get your project done.